Artist Home Premiere: “She Lives on the Astral Plane” by Patrick Galactic

It is Artist Home’s distinct pleasure to premiere the video for the haunting new Patrick Galactic single,”She Lives on the Astral Plane.”

I’ve been a fan of space-folk troubadour Patrick Galactic since hearing his great 2016 EP, Running from the Sun. Galactic’s songs split the difference between Americana, glacial electronic music, and melodic psychedelia–Gram Parsons as Major Tom, in a space ship shuddering during reentry. It’s a sound flush with warmth, even as it’s imbued with an undercurrent of haunted expansiveness.

“She Lives on the Astral Plane” is a mournful waltz about a girl drifting outside of time and recognition. Galactic’s lyrics ply in open-ended symbolism: The song’s subject could be in the throes of drug addiction, or a discarded lover languishing over a withered romance, or a young woman realizing there’s no turning back from the journey through the dense forest of adulthood.

Augmenting Galactic’s enigmatic words and muted, almost childlike croon is an eerie but unerringly beautiful weave of atmospheric synthesizers from Black Giraffe’s Andy Ayers, ethereal acoustic guitar, and melancholy violin courtesy of Richie Nelson (Richie Dagger’s Crime). And you can’t get a more perfect visual delivery system than director John Theroux‘s video. The surreal flourishes, and a charismatic turn by local actor/Anime Creek member Minna Lee, effectively mirror the song’s spectral ambience and austere chamber-pop beauty.

If you like what you hear, the new single is available on Bandcamp for purchase. Proceeds will be donated to RAINN, an anti-sexual assault organization that operates support groups and a hotline for victims.