Announcing the Artist Home Record Club
Artist Home is proud to announce The Artist Home Record Club. A club created for music lovers, collectors, supporters of independent artists, and anyone looking to deepen their connection to music.
Every month, Record Club members receive a brand new vinyl record from one of our favorite independent artists along with a listening guide and other companions aimed to help the listener dive deeper into that record. Artist Home’s goal is to introduce Record Club members to their next favorite artist and to introduce artists to new listeners.
“We’ve built a real connection to music lovers over the years and have always been a place for new artist to find new listeners. We’re excited to take the next step in connecting fans with incredible artists in a meaningful way. We want to help people fall in love with great music – there’s no better way to do that than by getting a record and diving in.” – Kevin Sur, Artist Home Founder
The Record Club is another step that Artist Home is taking to support emerging artists. As The Record Club grows in membership, there are plans to release compilations, reissues from artists who never pressed their recordings on to vinyl and a number of other possibilities. Perhaps most exciting, is that the Record Club could eventually help unsigned, independent artists, press their recordings onto vinyl who may not have had the financial means to do so.
“It’s an exciting thing. By having enough subscribers in place, we’ll eventually be able to bring new music to this format for the first time. Essentially, we’ll be able to directly ‘kickstart’ an artist’s project by doing the crowd sourcing for them, up front.” – Phil O’Sullivan, Partner/GM, Artist Home
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